Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm Back to the Blogging World

It's been over a year since I've last blogged. I fell off the face of the earth to the blogging world. I'm not sure what happened and what made me regress. I had a page, but there's so much stuff on there and I want to start a fresh blog from scratch. One that isn't tied to my teenage years. I mean, what 22 year old wants to be reminded of the bad decisions she's made?

My blog title comes from a quote from Michael Collins, the Apollo 11 CSM pilot. It completely describes me... I love space. My Netflix queue has a bunch of space movies in it, no lie. And by movies, I mean documentaries. I work at a place where I get to teach space and aviation to the next generation and LOVE it.

Anyway, my blog's still getting adjusted and tweaked; I'm sure that will take a while since it's hard for me to decide on a color scheme, background, layout, and all that pretty stuff.

Enjoy :)

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